Mindfulness and Meditation

Cleanse, refresh, revitalize, your mind, body, and spirit, nature’s way, through meditation. It’s another proof that the creator thought about every help you would need before you got here. Meditation is an extraordinary detox, renewal, and indigenous fighting agent against declining health, encroaching illness or disease, depression, clarity of thought and decisions, etc. Surprisingly, the power of meditation remains a secret to many people. It’s not yoga, though some of its elements are there incorporated.

Done right, meditation is a potent spiritual tool and a core element of your gateway to victorious living in every area of life. It’s the use of your mind’s energy to see, touch, and react effectively against things you don’t want or welcome those you do desire. It locks into and taps into with what is  already existentially true, to co-opt its truth for your good.  So, it will be a waste of your time if your meditation is not on something that’s already true. It’s tricky to master because it is a spiritual exercise, but not rocket science, and a free gift to all.

Nothing can stop you when you are you
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