Effective Prayers, Prayers that move God’s heart, is a book about the elements of prayer communication that introduce you to the power of God because they attract his attention. When present, these elements tend to enamor the believer to God and he cannot help but intervene to do what you ask of him. Prayers that God answers, even instantly, will place strong legal tenders for extraordinary authority and power found only in the reservoir of truths, and principles in his word, works, his being. This book will equip you to pray such prayers.
There are plenty of stories about wonders experienced as grace was poured out for the meeting of needs expressed as I and other believers prayed these prayers. Many of these stories come from, initially, unexpected encounters with God but which became more of a routine. Lessons to be learned here are from more than 20 years of my experiences as a believer, church leader, bible teacher, minister, and servant in various capacities in the Church. This one thing I have come to know, and it is that though his love is unconditional and never denied to anyone, prayers God would answer with manifestations of extraordinary occurrences, rarely, just happens. You will find this book a very good reference and library material for both new believers and seasoned followers of God alike.